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INI File | 2001-11-12 | 13.1 KB | 311 lines |
- [Main Window]
- MainMenu.New1="&New"
- MainMenu.Hint.New1="Create a new image file"
- MainMenu.Open1="&Open..."
- MainMenu.Hint.Open1="Open an existing image file"
- MainMenu.Save1="&Save"
- MainMenu.Hint.Save1="Save the current image file"
- MainMenu.Saveas1="Save &as..."
- MainMenu.Hint.Saveas1="Save the current image file with a new name"
- MainMenu.Reopen1="Reopen"
- MainMenu.Hint.Reopen1=""
- MainMenu.Properties1="&Properties..."
- MainMenu.Hint.Properties1=""
- MainMenu.Exit1="E&xit"
- MainMenu.Hint.Exit1="Quit the application"
- MainMenu.File1="&File"
- MainMenu.Hint.File1="Press ESC key to exit menu mode"
- MainMenu.MakeISOfromCDROM1="Make ISO from CDROM"
- MainMenu.Hint.MakeISOfromCDROM1="Create a new ISO image from your CDROM"
- MainMenu.Add1="Add Files..."
- MainMenu.Hint.Add1="Add files to current image file"
- MainMenu.AddDirectory1="Add Directory..."
- MainMenu.Hint.AddDirectory1="Add a directory to the current image file"
- MainMenu.Extract1="Extract..."
- MainMenu.Hint.Extract1="Extract files from current image file"
- MainMenu.View1="View"
- MainMenu.Hint.View1="View files in the current image file"
- MainMenu.Delete1="Delete"
- MainMenu.Hint.Delete1="Delete files from current image file"
- MainMenu.Rename1="Rename"
- MainMenu.Hint.Rename1="Rename file from current image file"
- MainMenu.Setlabelname1="Set CD-label name"
- MainMenu.Hint.Setlabelname1=""
- MainMenu.SelectAll1="Select All"
- MainMenu.Hint.SelectAll1="Select all files in current directory"
- MainMenu.ScanVirus1="Virus Scan"
- MainMenu.Hint.ScanVirus1="Virus scan files in current image file"
- MainMenu.NEdit1="&Actions"
- MainMenu.Hint.NEdit1="Press ESC key to exit menu mode"
- MainMenu.LoadWBT="Load boot information from file..."
- MainMenu.Hint.LoadWBT="Load boot information from a boot-image file..."
- MainMenu.SaveWBT="Save boot information to file..."
- MainMenu.Hint.SaveWBT="Save boot information to a .WBT image file..."
- MainMenu.DeleteBootSec="Delete boot information"
- MainMenu.Hint.DeleteBootSec="Delete boot information"
- MainMenu.MakeWBT="Make boot file from floppy..."
- MainMenu.Hint.MakeWBT="Make .WBT boot-image file from floppy..."
- MainMenu.BootableCD1="Bootable CD"
- MainMenu.Hint.BootableCD1="Press ESC key to exit menu mode"
- MainMenu.BINtoISO1="BIN to ISO..."
- MainMenu.Hint.BINtoISO1="BIN to ISO convertor"
- MainMenu.ISOtoBIN1="ISO to BIN..."
- MainMenu.Hint.ISOtoBIN1=""
- MainMenu.OtherFormatConvert1="Other Format Convert..."
- MainMenu.Hint.OtherFormatConvert1="Convert any image format to ISO"
- MainMenu.BatchImageConvert1="Batch Images Convert..."
- MainMenu.Hint.BatchImageConvert1="Convert batch image files to ISO"
- MainMenu.Convertor1="&Convert"
- MainMenu.Hint.Convertor1="Press ESC key to exit menu mode"
- MainMenu.Configture1="Configuration..."
- MainMenu.Hint.Configture1="Set configuration options"
- MainMenu.VirusScan1="Show Navigator Window"
- MainMenu.Hint.VirusScan1="Show the left-part navigator window"
- MainMenu.PlaySound1="Play Sound"
- MainMenu.Hint.PlaySound1="Play sound when mouse move/click"
- MainMenu.Skin1="Skins"
- MainMenu.Hint.Skin1=""
- MainMenu.Opition1="O&ptions"
- MainMenu.Hint.Opition1="Press ESC key to exit menu mode"
- MainMenu.Content1="Contents"
- MainMenu.Hint.Content1="Display the help contents"
- MainMenu.Tipoftheday1="Enable all tips-windows"
- MainMenu.Hint.Tipoftheday1="Enable all tips-windows"
- MainMenu.BuyNow1="Buy Now!"
- MainMenu.Hint.BuyNow1="Buy WinISO"
- MainMenu.Registioncode1="Registration code..."
- MainMenu.Hint.Registioncode1="Input your registration code"
- MainMenu.ProductSupport1="Product Support"
- MainMenu.Hint.ProductSupport1="Get the support of the product"
- MainMenu.Visitproductweb1="WinISO Homepage"
- MainMenu.Hint.Visitproductweb1="Visit the WinISO homepage"
- MainMenu.About1="About WinISO..."
- MainMenu.Hint.About1="Display version number and copyright notice"
- MainMenu.Help1="&Help"
- MainMenu.Hint.Help1="Press ESC key to exit menu mode"
- PopupMenuForTreeView.Extract4="Extract..."
- PopupMenuForTreeView.Hint.Extract4="Extract a directory from current image file"
- PopupMenuForTreeView.Rename3="Rename"
- PopupMenuForTreeView.Hint.Rename3="Rename a directory from current image file"
- PopupMenuForTreeView.Delete3="Delete"
- PopupMenuForTreeView.Hint.Delete3="Delete a directory from current image file"
- PopupMenuForTreeView.ScanVirus2="Virus Scan"
- PopupMenuForTreeView.Hint.ScanVirus2="Virus scan a directory in current image file"
- PopupMenuForListStyle.LargeIcon1="Large Icons"
- PopupMenuForListStyle.Hint.LargeIcon1="Display items by using large icons"
- PopupMenuForListStyle.SmallIcon1="Small Icons"
- PopupMenuForListStyle.Hint.SmallIcon1="Display items by using small icons"
- PopupMenuForListStyle.List1="List"
- PopupMenuForListStyle.Hint.List1="Display items in list"
- PopupMenuForListStyle.Details1="Details"
- PopupMenuForListStyle.Hint.Details1="Display information about each item in the window"
- PopupMenuForListView_1.Extract2="Extract..."
- PopupMenuForListView_1.Hint.Extract2="Extract files from current image file"
- PopupMenuForListView_1.ViewwithDefaultViewer1="View with Default Viewer"
- PopupMenuForListView_1.Hint.ViewwithDefaultViewer1="View file with default viewer"
- PopupMenuForListView_1.View2="View"
- PopupMenuForListView_1.Hint.View2="View files in current image file"
- PopupMenuForListView_1.Rename2="Rename"
- PopupMenuForListView_1.Hint.Rename2="Rename files from current image file"
- PopupMenuForListView_1.Delete2="Delete"
- PopupMenuForListView_1.Hint.Delete2="Delete files from current image file"
- PopupMenuForListView_1.VirusScan3="Virus Scan"
- PopupMenuForListView_1.Hint.VirusScan3=""
- PopupMenuForListView_2.AddFiles1="Add Files..."
- PopupMenuForListView_2.Hint.AddFiles1="Add files to current image file"
- PopupMenuForListView_2.AddDirectory2="Add Directory..."
- PopupMenuForListView_2.Hint.AddDirectory2="Add a directory to current image file"
- PopupMenuForListView_2.Extract3="Extract..."
- PopupMenuForListView_2.Hint.Extract3="Extract files from current image file"
- PopupMenuForListView_2.SelectAll2="Select All"
- PopupMenuForListView_2.Hint.SelectAll2="Select all files in current directory"
- PopupMenuForListView_2.virusScan2="Virus Scan"
- PopupMenuForListView_2.Hint.virusScan2="Virus scan files in current image file"
- PopupMenuForBootCD.LoadWBT1="Load boot infomation from file..."
- PopupMenuForBootCD.Hint.LoadWBT1=""
- PopupMenuForBootCD.SaveWBT1="Save boot infomation to file..."
- PopupMenuForBootCD.Hint.SaveWBT1=""
- PopupMenuForBootCD.DeleteBootSec1="Delete boot information"
- PopupMenuForBootCD.Hint.DeleteBootSec1=""
- PopupMenuForBootCD.MakeWBT1="Make boot file from floppy..."
- PopupMenuForBootCD.Hint.MakeWBT1=""
- CurrentPath="Current Path:"
- ToolButton.ToolButton1="New"
- ToolButton.Hint.ToolButton1="Create a new image file"
- ToolButton.ToolButton2="Open"
- ToolButton.Hint.ToolButton2="Open an existing image file"
- ToolButton.ToolButton3="Save"
- ToolButton.Hint.ToolButton3="Save the current image file"
- ToolButton.ToolButton4="Add"
- ToolButton.Hint.ToolButton4="Add files to current image file"
- ToolButton.ToolButton7="Extract"
- ToolButton.Hint.ToolButton7="Extract files from current image file"
- ToolButton.ToolButton8="View"
- ToolButton.Hint.ToolButton8="View files in the current image file"
- ToolButton.ToolButton9=" Convert "
- ToolButton.Hint.ToolButton9="Convert any image format to ISO"
- ToolButton.ToolButton10="Buy Now!"
- ToolButton.Hint.ToolButton10="Buy WinISO"
- ToolButton2.Hint.ToolButton5="Up one level"
- ToolButton2.Hint.ToolButton6="Show style"
- ToolButton2.Hint.ToolButton11="Delete files from current image file"
- MaxCapacity="Max. 700MB"
- SizeBar.Hint="This shows the capacity of the current image file"
- ListViewColumn.0="Filename"
- ListViewColumn.1="Type"
- ListViewColumn.2="Size"
- ListViewColumn.3="Time"
- String_0="Do you want to save "
- String_1="Question"
- String_2="Do you want to save New Image File? "
- String_3="New Image File"
- String_4="Directory"
- String_5="Total"
- String_6="The file you selected already exists in the current image, it will be ignored. \nFilename is %s. "
- String_7="Warning"
- String_8="The directory you selected already exists in the current image, it will be ignored. \nDirectory name is %s. "
- String_9="Cannot open file: it appears to be a invalid format image! "
- String_10="STOP"
- String_11="This image file has multi-tracks or sessions, WinISO DO NOT support to edit it! "
- String_12="New name can not be empty! "
- String_13="The directory name already exists in the current image, please re-name it. "
- String_14="The file name already exists in the current image, please re-name it. "
- String_15="Path Capacity"
- String_16="CD-Label can not be empty! "
- String_17="CD-Label can not be longer than 32 characters! "
- String_18="Installing the software need %dMB harddisk space and long time, are you sure? "
- String_19="Can not save to source image file! "
- String_20="Can not view a directory! \nPlease select a file. "
- String_21="You have not set the Virus Scanner! \nPlease set it first. "
- String_25="New image file has no properties! "
- String_26="Now creating "
- String_27="Creating "
- String_28="Extracting "
- String_29="Unregistered Version can not extract large files(>3MB) "
- String_30="The harddisk have no enough space! Can not continue... \nPlease optimized your harddisk! "
- String_31="Unregistered Version can not process large image file(>100MB). "
- String_32="Can not create image file! "
- String_33="This image file has multi-tracks or sessions, WinISO DO NOT support to save it! \nPlease use 'Save as' to make a new ISO. "
- String_34="Now saving "
- String_35="Saving "
- String_36=" has existed, overwrite it? "
- String_37="Bootable CD"
- String_38="Non bootcd"
- String_39="All tips window will be shown! "
- [Converter Window]
- ButtonConvert="&Convert"
- ButtonCancel="&Cancel"
- Labe2="The BIN file has multi-tracks,"
- Labe3="Please select the tracks you want to convert."
- Labe4="The data-track will be converted to ISO file."
- Labe5="The audio-track will be converted to WAV file."
- Labe6="The video-track will be converted to DAT files."
- GroupSource1="Please choose source file(s)..."
- GroupOutput1="Choose output directory..."
- GroupSource2="Please choose source file..."
- GroupOutput2="Choose output file..."
- GroupSource3="Select the tracks converted"
- GroupOutput3="Select a directory to save ISO/WAV/DAT files."
- ListViewColumn.0="Tracks"
- ListViewColumn.1="Mode"
- ListViewColumn.2="Size (MB)"
- String_0="STOP"
- String_1="Please select a directory..."
- String_2="You must specify the source file! "
- String_3="You must specify the destination directory! "
- String_4="Can not create the specified directory! \nMake sure the directory is valid. "
- String_5="Can not convert image to itself! "
- String_6="Can not open "
- String_7="Question"
- String_8=" already exists, do you want to overwrite it? "
- String_9="Can not create "
- String_10="Now converting "
- String_11=" isn't a supported format! "
- String_12=" is a multi-tracks image file, WinISO only can convert the first track, are you sure? "
- String_13="Unregistered Version can not process large image file(>100MB). "
- String_14="Warning"
- String_15="Can not read from source file! "
- String_16="Can not write to target file! "
- String_17="You must specify the destination file! "
- String_18="Advance BIN to ISO converter "
- String_19="Track "
- String_20="Data track"
- String_21="Audio track"
- String_22="Video track"
- String_23="Unknown type"
- String_24="BIN to ISO converter "
- String_25="Batch images converter "
- String_26="Any format to ISO converter "
- String_27="ISO to BIN converter "
- [Extract Window]
- Title="Extract Files..."
- ButtonExtract="&Extract"
- ButtonCancel="&Cancel"
- Label="E&xtract to:"
- GroupFile="Files"
- RadioSelected="&Selected files"
- RadioallFiles="&All files"
- CheckBoxOpen="&Open the folder after extracted."
- CheckBoxOverWrite="Overwrite &existing files"
- String_0="STOP"
- String_1="Please select a directory..."
- String_2="Can not create the special directory! \nMake sure the directory is valid. "
- [Make ISO Window]
- Title="Create ISO form CDROM"
- ButtonMake="&Make"
- ButtonCancel="&Cancel"
- GroupSource="Source CD-ROM"
- GroupOutput="Output file"
- GroupMode="Option"
- Label="Choose your CD-ROM"
- RadioASPI="ASPI"
- RadioFile="File"
- String_0="STOP"
- String_1="Question"
- String_2="Please insert your CDROM, then retry. "
- String_3="Can not create the special directory! \nMake sure the directory is valid. "
- String_4=" already exists, overwrite it? "
- [Properties Window]
- Title="Image file properties"
- Button="&Ok"
- String_0="Total %d sectors"
- String_1="Sector size is %d bytes"
- String_2="Multi-tracks or sessions"
- String_3="Single-data track"
- String_4="Joliet CD-ROM file system"
- String_5="Standard ISO9660 CD-ROM file system"
- [Options Window]
- Title="Configuration"
- ButtonOk="&Ok"
- ButtonCancel="&Cancel"
- LabelAssociations="Files associations "
- LabelVirusScanApp="Scan Program:"
- LabelVirtuaScanAppParam="Parameter:"
- GroupViewer="Default Viewer"
- GroupScanner="Virus Scanner"
- [About Window]
- Title="About"
- Button="OK"
- [Extracting Progress Window]
- Title="Extracting..."
- Button="&Cancel"
- [Build ISO Window]
- Button="&Cancel"
- [Register Window]
- Title="Registration code..."
- ButtonOk="&Ok"
- ButtonCancel="&Cancel"
- LabelName="Please input your name: "
- LabelCode="Please input your registration code: "
- String_0="Question"
- String_1="Please exit WinISO and run it again! Do you want to exit now? "